Culture(s) of India 

Culture is something that comprises the language, religion, ethnicity, dance, music, attire, cuisine or the way of living of people in a particular geographical region. It can have an essence of just one type of lifestyle or can be comprised of many cultures under one culture of a particular nation like we have in our country- India.

So what is Indian culture? Is it something that we have been told again and again by politically driven religious agendas or it is something beyond that? I think differently from what’s been in the society these days.
Without saying much I’ll start by saying that Indian culture is neither religion oriented nor extremely rigid unlike many other countries.
In India we come across cultures poles apart at a difference of every 100 kilometres or so. But at the same time we exist heartily with each other.

We have the culture of Hinduism which originated on the very land of India and at the same time we have the culture of Islam which originated far away on the land of Arab. We have Parsee populace and culture all the way from greater Iran in India and at the same time we have the beautiful villages of Punjab where Punjabi culture originated. Buddhism and Jainism embellished the unity in diversity notion of India. Not only this but Christianity also flourished in India. Portuguese populace and their culture can still be seen in Goa Kerala Tamil Nadu etc. We have so many languages so many dance forms so many cuisines at a distance of every few kilometre that it is distinct in its own.  But one thing is there which is one and only. We, despite of the fact that we have so many cultures in different parts of our country coexist so heartily with each other that such an example of coexistence is almost impossible to find anywhere in the world. Different cultures of many parts of the world have commingled so well with the ancient Indian culture that today it’s impossible to imagine that they were ever absent here on our land. It’s difficult to think about Indian culture today by parting it from cultures that came to India many many centuries back.
The long and short or the gist of it is that we come across so many cultures in India in every state, union territory or city that is difficult even to just remember the different facets of each culture. The beauty of Indian culture is that it is not just a culture but is a confluence of cultures making it one of its own multifaceted culture which makes Indian culture different from the cultures all over the globe.


  1. Psy says:

    Love Indian culture, would like to visit it someday..!!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:

      You’re more than welcome. Do visit. God bless you.😊

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Daramemon says:

    The diversity of Indian culture is breathtaking definitely yet all cultures have their boundary lines and spell

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:

      Indeed 😊


      1. Daramemon says:


        Liked by 2 people

  3. prashantt says:

    Wonderful writeup,our country is blessed with integrity of cultures,traditions,festivals that i believe no other country has sadly some people try to scatters this unity for thier own sake.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:


      Liked by 3 people

  4. I hope to visit India one day. I am enjoying reading your fascinating blog! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:

      Do visit. You are more than welcome. Thanks a lot for the appreciation. Have a nice day 😊😊😊

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Not sure the Dalit would agree that the culture is not rigid. However, Canada has people from nearly every country in the world. Wherever I go, I see/hear different languages and different cultural events. It’s like seeing the world right at home.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:

      It’s the politicization of castes actually which creates problems. Culture of unity in diversity is still here. Though there are problems but citizens want equality and no rigidity here. Thanks. Have a nice day😊😊😊

      Liked by 1 person

  6. India is a classic example of unity in diversity ! The rich culture and heritage of each region is a marvel in itself. I only hope that in the times to come we maintain and preserve its essence.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:

      Perfectly quoted. Couldn’t agree more.😊

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Seenorway says:

    Interesting thoughts! I’ve visited several places in India at least a dozen times, but – this was in
    ‘the old days’, and I’m no longer the same guy, nor is India 🙂 ! This was in the days of ‘Bombay’, ‘Cochin’, ‘Madras’ and ‘Calcutta’,l but today it’s all changed. Unfortunately I’m getting too old to visit again!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:

      It’s so nice to know that you’ve visited India so many times. I hope and pray that you get strength to visit it again. I would love to meet you😊😊😊


      1. Seenorway says:

        I’m afreid not (Even if it would have been fun), but pushing 80 is no joke! Besides India is an enormous country which entails extensive travelling by air/car/rail, but – I’m very aware of my age and on a daily basis I read the signs telling me to be extra careful!
        But I liked the Cochin/Kerala-district in particular. Alsso I remember visiting a place called Vizakapathnam, but probably that have also changes its name today?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Shekhar Srivastava says:

        It’s the same, it’s nickname is Vizag though.
        I can’t say that I understand your problem but I know it’s really hard to travel with such inevitable conditions. May lord bestow upon you good health with great time and wonderful life.
        Best wishes 😉😉😉

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Soul Gifts says:

    I live in Australia. As it has been populated by many different cultures since settlement by whites, it is now a veritable melting pot of different cultures, traditions, languages. I love the diversity.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:



  9. calmkate says:

    Do enjoy the greatly varied culture of India and have lived there … thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:

      Great to know that. It’s my pleasure that you liked the post. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

  10. shrustipol says:

    Even after so many different traditions,cultures and languages people stay united and celebrate festivals.Proud to be Indian.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:



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    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:

      Thanks a lot rahul. I’m really grateful 😊


  12. Marc and Ann says:

    Very good information!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Shekhar Srivastava says:

      Thank you for the recognition

      Liked by 1 person

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